I don’t really believe in it, but that is their cup of tea, pleasure or poison. I don’t particularly like it when they kiss in public, but then again, I don’t like seeing anyone kiss in public. You know what I'm talking about—the eat your lungs kissing. NO body wants to see that people. But seriously I think those kinds of romantic things should be held behind closed doors. I think people should be surprised to find out that someone is gay or straight. Why? Because that information is PRIVATE. Why do so many people care what your orientation is? How is it anybody’s business, hmm? What will people gain or lose from finding these things out? It is different when someone is on the search for a mate, then you can tell people, it doesn’t matter, besides that, the business is yours.
When it comes to marriage…. Well. I don’t know what to think about it yet. I am Christian, and the Bible does say it is wrong (twice) but who am I to condemn? The problem is, when you marry (this goes for atheists as well) the church is blessing you in the sight of God, who not only do some not believe in, but also blaspheme him and speak horrific things about him. Don’t deny. Anyways, if God doesn’t like homosexuality, why do you decide to go in front of God (the preacher is a vessel) and basically force him to accept it? No forgiveness, no nothing. Just “Bless us though we are sinning right now as we marry.” I don’t particularly like that. You are now married in the sight of God, so what does he think? All we have is the Bible to rely on. I'm not saying people of the same sex who really love one another should not be together, but just understand what you are doing and who you are standing in front of to be together.
I have also noticed that many, many people that are homosexual have been sexually abused, and swore off the opposite sex for that matter. When it comes to lesbians (and some guys), who feel this way, sometimes I think we need to write off the whole male population altogether. It seems they are all testosterone laden pigs, with way to much aggression, who like to fight, rape, abuse, beat, torture (mentally), fornicate, and womanize their way around the world. I understand. I sympathize. They say 1 out of every 4 women is sexually abused by the time they start college, but it seems to me that it is 1 out of every 4 women that isn’t assaulted. That’s enough to make anyone cry and swear off men. You know Snookie—yes Snookie, said it best, “guys don’t know how to treat girls. That is why the lesbian rate is going up.” But I do believe there can be someone out there for you that is of the opposite sex who wont hurt you. Several bad apples usually spoil the whole bunch, but out of 3.4 billion men? There has to be one that will really and truly love you. I believe there is one for me. And no I'm not trying to quote some syrupy love line from a movie or book, I HATE chick flicks and lit. I believe it is really possible to meet your match.
When it comes to homosexual men, usually they were assaulted by other men, which should make them turn to girls…but they seem to turn into girls, if you understand. But this is from the simple fact that the people that treated them that way—and sometimes it IS women who do that to men—they use them as they would use a girl and I am so terribly sorry. Those sort of things change a person, and not in a good way.
I cant think of very much to tell you all that will help, except that the
people that did that to you are mentally disturbed, and were probably assaulted
themselves, it’s a cycle of violence—please let it stop with you. Therapy helps
(of course I promote Christian therapy) and so does writing, working out your
anger with physical exercise, and forgiveness. Not for them but to help you, so you will
not let the anger consume you, while they sleep peacefully at night. And
figuring out that even though something horrible and traumatic happened to you,
you are stronger than that, than them, you are still living and breathing, and
your life is good (or will get better) After the physical trauma, what’s left
is the mental. The ego. Everything is crushed. But like I said, what is left is
the mental. You might be thinking, “I was
treated like a girl, so I shouldn’t be with a girl, I should be with a man”
but that is the wrong frame of thought. It was the person who did this to you
that should feel crushed and disgusted with himself, and think negative
thoughts. You should be on your way to getting better, and not looking back.
Getting stronger. You deserve
to have sweet, restful, dreams. You do not have estrogen you have testosterone.
It may be low, but it is there, and you need to focus on a way to build that
up, build yourself up, and figure out that this is NOT your fault. But you
shouldn’t go after someone of the same sex if you are feeling this way. To
build your self up you need to be around ones that physically, mentally, and
hormonally are attracted to you. Which are women. I believe you have a good
match for you out there; you just have to find it.
it comes to dress, I appreciate those of you who dress normal, and don’t really
shout out to the world what and who you are, but for the others, I have a
question, or five. Why do you feel the need to dress as a woman when you’re a
man? And vise versa. Why do you get upset when someone calls out that you are a
girl dressed as a guy or a guy as a girl? What is the purpose of the outfit? If
you are trying to be fashion-forward, and wear
those clothes, what is the purpose of the sashaying hips of the men, and
the hunched, lurching gait of women? Please let ME know. If you are
transgendered and just cant afford a sex change or are pre-op, I completely understand, and all is
forgiven! :) I
really sympathize with people who feel they were born in the wrong body, and
then try to change it. For others, I don’t mind if sometimes you wear something
a little feminine or masculine, sometimes, that just looks good on people, its
their style. But why do you dress and behave like a woman if you don’t want to
be one? Why do you dress and behave as a man if you don’t want to be one? And
for that matter, how do lesbians do anything at all? I can understand how men….
interact, but what can you gals do???
Anyway, what is with the clothes and actions if you don’t want to be the
opposite sex, but behave like you are? I just might understand if you want to introduce someone that has been
traumatized back into the world of the opposite sex, but after that, what?
Please explain someone!
also don’t believe that people are born gay. I think people grow up and grow
into it. You can like pink nail polish and Barbie dolls as a boy, or army
action figures, and football as a girl and not be gay; people get older before
deciding what orientation they are. I also think that Bisexuals are just confused about what they want, and shouldn't say they are bi, that sounds lazy. You should say that your options are open. And you shouldn't keep up the facade that you are Bi, when you get older it will become clearer, but if you continue to say you are, you just sound childish, someone who can't make up their mind about a whole sex/gender!
It’s up to you to decide how to view this
post, just remember it’s my opinion, and I am entitled to it, and you are
entitled to do or be whatever you want! :) Please
don’t think of me as some fanatical bible-thumper, these were just my thoughts
on the subject, and each post will be vastly different from the other. I just
wanted to point out everyday things that I’ve noticed over my 19 yrs. Please do
comment if you find something interesting, wrong (or inappropriate), or just
plain cunfuzzling, but please no vulgar words.